Wednesday, June 19, 2019

sitting around making faces.

More great faces on Bowling Balls.

Painting bowling balls

 Painting Bowling balls can be quite fun, finding them can be half of the fun. When bowling falls out of favor the balls end up at the garage sale or on the side of the road. They make great craft projects.

I sand them with a scotch bright to get the wax and oils on them. Spray pain the base coat and then lightly sand where the paint for the markings will go.

 The markings are painted with "one shot" lettering paint. and then spray painted with a clear coat.
Copper wire makes the shape of the wings and an aluminum screen makes the wings the thumb hole is plugged with silicone and the copper wire for the antenna, each wing is in a finger hole with silicone. 
A simple carved face with a dremel tool. Is easy and no sanding required. Wax with a crayon in the carving. Clear Coat with clear spray paint.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

soda bottle herb gift

A fun gift to pass on. People love getting live herbs to cook with and recycle that plastic bottle.

jug face planter

Wash out your gallon jug, rinse with Vinegar and water cut off bottom, Paint face the eyes are made by cutting a bottle cap in half and glue eyelashes (cheap ones from the dollar store) punch hole by heating a punch and put it through the bottle  add your rope to hang. fill with dirt and your herbs.

Bottle walls

In these times of problems with the overwhelming amount of trash we create lets find more creative ways to reuse items like bottles.
 make a simple frame from 2x4s the bottom board drill a hole to hole a dowel or pipe. I like to use a small copper pipe. take 2 pipes and 2 bottles. cut the bottom of the plastic bottles off. put one bottle on each pipe neck down. this will give you the distance measurement for the holes to be drilled in the bottom board. use the same distance in the top board. make the top hole deeper so when you get your pipe filled you put the top in first lift up slide the bottom of the pipe into the hole and let it drop down. doing one pole at a time the wall will build as you get bottles. just cut the bottom off of the next bottle and put it on the pole neck first down into the first bottle. add color bottles to liven it up.

this is glass bottles and you have to drill a hole in the bottom of each bottle with a special glass drill bit. Keep the bottle  cool as you drill with water.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Doing Dog Sketches

Dog Sketches for friends of ours and their new home.

Did a sketch for a dear friends birthday.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

salad bar

 Many years ago we turned an oval hot tub given to us into the Leekin Lena fish pond. so after some time lets put those fish to work for us.
adding a half barrel with a drain back to the pond lots of small gravel and now we have a salad bar. growing our salad with aquaponics. different types of leafy greens and mint.All being watched over by Penny the owl.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

fun Pot Man

 I found an old bike on the side of the road put out for trash. So i brought it home and painted it all one color. then I used a bed frame that I also found on the side of the road to stabilize the bike. Then I just needed a rider.. I used a thick wire from the petals to the body pots and then from the handle bars to the body.
A friend donated a wig, a touch of English Ivy that will grow in time and a rider emerged. The pot person has a flatware wind chime as a bell.

Grapevine wreath

This is a follow up. Back on November 13 2015 I added to the blog the making of a grapevine wreath. well now today I added more flowers to this wreath that has hung on our fence behind St Francis for 3 years. the wreath itself shows no sign of rot or weakness.

Plant Markers

Plant Markers
A friend gave me 200 bricks that her husband wanted but never did anything with. I have used them all over but I have had fun with this idea.
 I used a Sharpie marker and then sprayed them with Aqua Net hair spray. I use this for many things in the garden.

Orchid clips

 Make your own clips for your orchid pots. These are straps from the building section of your hardware store. this one is a 10 inch strap bend 2 1/2 inches down this will come over the edge of the pot and go down into your growing medium. Then bend 1 inch out flat to support the bottom of the pot.
 These straps come in many sizes so there is no limit to the size of the pots you can use.
 This is a larger pot and you can see from the roots the pots do really well with these clips.
cheap to make, sturdy to use and they can not really be seen so they do not take away from the beauty of the plants.

Its a pyramid of sorts.

I took the picture from my computer for this This is made from old Pallet wood. You can find them in many places, most places want to get rid of them. I find them on craigslist under free, curb alerts. It is a nice afternoon project.

Arm chairs in the garden

 I found these two blue chairs on the side of the road and thought these would be great in the herb garden. I brought them home and decided to do a Spanish Moss chair with a plant in it.

So here it is, I have thrown in some cat nip seeds as a local cat has started to take naps here in the sun. He is a fat old guy and just enjoys the peace and quiet of the garden.

2019 woooowhoooo

With all of the new social media out these days I have gotten away from doing my blog. And I am sorry for that. I love the blog and all the fun I have sharing my projects. So I am back. Welcome to 2019 yall