Friday, July 23, 2010

Comic Book Boarder

I don't like the idea of the comic book art work sitting in a file cabinet somewhere so I went out and bought these great 8.5 x 11 acrylic box frames. the cardboard box part pulls out the back and the comic book goes in.

I think it is a fun way to display them around the upper half of my art room. On the upper part of the wall they are protected from diret sun that may fade or damage them. They go all the way around the room. this is just a small section. I am however short two comics and I am having a hard time finding the last two.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Build an Appliance Center

This is an appliance center. We needed more counter top and the little bit that I had was being eaten up by appliances. My kitchen is to small to add more fullsize floor cabinets. My Idea was to buy wall mount cabinets and build a small base under them. I put a long plug strip along the back of the counter to plug the appliances into. I painted the doors to match the rest of the kitchen. The counter top was cut from the back so the front retained the smooth curl. It works great for a small place.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Roses for Prosperity

Too often people confuse prosperity with money. Money is a tool: Prosperity, however, is a state of consciousness. Someone with a great deal of money may not feel prosperous, while someone else with far less money may consider him or herself quite prosperous. Prosperity means "good fortune", "flourishing", and "success", none of which require money. My life is so full of love, laughter and happiness that I just maybe the most Prosperous person in the world.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Vacation in Pugaritaville.

Oliver has had enough and has gone off on vacation to pugariteville. He is such a player.

one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Plastic soda bottles a box cutter and an iron. Cut into a fish shape, heat the iron and melt the tail pieces together. They will look great around a pool.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

old fasion dish cabnet

This is like an old fashion dish cabinet. I remember my Gram having her dishes in the dinning room the fancy ones were in a China cabinet and the everyday ones were in the pantry in a cabinet much like this one.
This was a roadside find. an old stereo cabinet with no shelves. Plywood covered with vinyl wall paper. I hammer knocked the outside edges of the real wood trim, and did a ragged on paint to match the kitchen. I put a red curtain on the front but think I may make one with more color.
This is not for everyone but it brings me those warm and fuzzy feelings from my Grams dinning room.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Whats for sale at your house?

We live in a material age about the importance of selling yourself. We are told to go out there and conquer, grab the bull by the horns, win promotions and people over by a display of confidence and assertiveness. While there is something to be said for appreciating oneself and the abilities we have. We are not commodities to be purchased. You don't have to jump through hoops to make people notice and appreciate you, you only need to appreciate yourself.
Just for fun today, get a piece of paper and make a "For Sale" sign and put a picture of yourself on it. List ALL of your outstanding qualities, and don't be shy. Include "Must see to believe! Dream person! Sharp, Funny, Full of love, High energy, Low maintenance...body needs a little work, but in great condition.... You get the idea. Then put a price on yourself, put it on the refrigerator, and appreciate the ridiculousness of the whole thing of selling yourself.
You are priceless. "Kindness is my belief and compassion is my religion"

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Spent the day with Lilly, Rose and Iris.

When it rains you just have to pull out the inside projects. This is one of my favorites.

It can be fun making faces
I love that the rain makes the flowers grow and gives us life. It gives me a chance to slow down and work on some small inside projects. I complain and get frustrated when the rain prevents me from working on a larger project outside but I need these downtime days to sit and play.

So here I sit making friends or gifts. These are petal people. Made from silk flowers, pipe cleaners and wooden beads. They are held together with wire. the wire can be left longer so you can add them to a pick and put them in floral bouquets or just stuck in a vase with some small rocks.

These are fun just plain fun. People I have given them to display them on a computer desk, car mirrors, hanging in windows and one lady even made a mobile out of three of them. So go make some faces....LOL