Saturday, July 3, 2010

Spent the day with Lilly, Rose and Iris.

When it rains you just have to pull out the inside projects. This is one of my favorites.

It can be fun making faces
I love that the rain makes the flowers grow and gives us life. It gives me a chance to slow down and work on some small inside projects. I complain and get frustrated when the rain prevents me from working on a larger project outside but I need these downtime days to sit and play.

So here I sit making friends or gifts. These are petal people. Made from silk flowers, pipe cleaners and wooden beads. They are held together with wire. the wire can be left longer so you can add them to a pick and put them in floral bouquets or just stuck in a vase with some small rocks.

These are fun just plain fun. People I have given them to display them on a computer desk, car mirrors, hanging in windows and one lady even made a mobile out of three of them. So go make some faces....LOL

1 comment:

  1. Em, I've just caught up on all the wonderful things you've been writing and posting pictures and displays of... and once again... my dear one... you are amazing. It just never stops, nor should it. You are a treasure and on the wings of an angel you fly across your blog leaving blessings of fun and joy of all that makes your heart sing.. and Just Being YOU. I love it, I love you and I hope you continue to share yourself and your fun crafty very neat and talented self with the world... Love, Your Girl, RC
