Thursday, February 16, 2012

Golden Thread and Silver Needles

As I shake out the quilt that is my life
I step back and look upon the bright colors
that have decorated my life.
The bright blue of the summer skies that I played under.
The autumn colors of the maple trees for all of the sweet times
shared with friends and family.
The bright yellows for the days that the sun shined and my heart sang.
Fabrics that represent days, years, hours, minutes, friends, and family
all held together with the golden thread of lessons learned
as the silver needle of time winds its way through the fabric.
What an amazing quilt this is turning out to be.
Thank you for being a part of this work in progress,
for the lessons and colors that you have added to my quilt
by being a special part of this fascinating journey.

Em Battreall

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