Sunday, December 4, 2011

petal people as a centerpiece.

Holding their little flags of encouragement these peeps were our centerpiece and also gifts for our guests.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Making faces again.

More Palm tree stuff. These are the seed pods cut sanded and made into masks.
Theese will be future mask to add to my bar-b-que wall.

Palm Trees make some great stuff.

I have been having fun with the droppings from our palm trees. They are very east to work with and I love the texture. Here is my new nativity stable with the bottom Of a palm fron for the roof. I love it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just Beee nice.

Can you imagine me being alergic to bees would go off and create a huge bee.
The Yellow one will become the bee. Sanded and buffed, painted with its bace coat of color.
Painting the faces is the fun part.I am not sure that bees are all that cute in the face but this is a bee in MY world.
The start of the building of wings. Wings make the difference between being just a bug and a bee.
Adding screen to the hanger wire of the wings give them the wing look. I am really likeing the idea of wire sculpture.
finished, I drill another hole in the bottom to make my bee sit on the top of a copper pipe painted green to blend in with the plants and to give my bee the look of flight.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Roger Rabbit

I was leaving work and found this little guy in the parking lot. Him and his friend were sitting in a parking space looking lost. I walked over to tham and his friend took a few hops and was gone. I bent over and said to him are you ok little fellow? he turned and to two little steps toward my shoe. I picked him up and took him home. stoped at the local pet store got some rabbit food and hay, went home and put him in an old fish tank. World meet Roger Rabbit.
he is just a little guy but he was up and about in just 3 or 4 days. Now Rod is ready for the world I think. He has become very active and I don't want to keep him in the house. So I built him a little lean two with a palm roof.
It is primitive but I think he will like it. I found a spot out back that I would like if I were a rabbit and with the left over hay I think he will be happy. He will choose if he wants to stay or not.
The back yard is home to many wild life that come and go. I am just an observer.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lets build a bird house.

What is in a bird house? Lets make one. Lets see.... Now I have some metal pieces, door knobs, drawer pulls, springs, handles, glass things, nuts and bolts.

Small amount of paint to white wash with and a little shingle materials that can be cut into any kind of shapes.

Hardware of all kinds hinges, metal rings, electrical odds and ends of all types. Make a one of a kind look.

Oh my this can go on and on. Oh what fun it is to build a house.

A bell and a coat hanger wire and you have a place for a bird to land and to ring the door bell at the same time.

Here Birdie Birdie

Bird houses have sure come a long way since I was a kid. It use to be just the little square house style.
Now this is in a bird style. Bits and pieces of metal and odds and ends of all kinds.

Have fun your imagination is the only limit there is.

Put on a happy face

Here is a simple way to make a friend to put in the yard or peeking out from under a bush. Just take a dremel carve a face on the bowling ball. Next apply a car wax. Let the car wax fill the engraving and then polish the Bowling Ball like you would a car. A fun way to put on a happy face.

In the Begining there was Bowling balls

This is how it starts. People have an interest in bowling that trough time gets lost or for whatever reason the body can no longer do the sport. The balls get tossed into the garage or car trunk for a time and then to the thrift store, yard sale or curb. That is where I come in, well along with a friend or two who keep their eyes open for me.

First thing that happens is they get scrubbed, sanded and a primer coat of paint, if they are going to be painted up into a bug or something.

If you are going to apply glass marbles or tile DO NOT PRIME. SANDING is a must! I use a foam block for sanding. It is easy on the hands and conforms to the shape of the BB. Because of the oils used on the bowling lanes and the waxes applied to the balls sanding has to be done or the paint will peel off and so will the glues used for tiles or glass.

In the painting after the primer I use a spray paint that is used for outdoors. In whatever color I like.

Then the fun part the rest of the painting I do by hand. and create the world in the way I want it to be. LOL A little more detail and a couple of clear coats to seal them and they are out the door to friends and family or off the the flea market to be adopted. I just love doing these.


This is one of my favorite things to do. Here are some pictures of the finished works of art.Use them for Ideas to do your very own world. I love the Idea that lady bugs of this size are not limited to just red and black.

This one with the mosaic tile is a ton of fun. It is my own personal globe. You can do a realistic style globe or create a world of your own. Again SAND the ball first and plug the holes with caulk. I leave the thumb hole open sometimes to insert a pole it I want the ball off of the ground.

You can get the little flat glass marbles at the dollar tree and not have to spend alot of money. I use E-6000 glue found at your local craft store and I believe super Walmart is now stocking it. Lightly sand the ball first to get the wax and oil off of them. The glue will bring back the shine and I use the color of the ball to shine through.

My busy little bee will be put on a garden stake with leaves. This one is all mine and has found a home in my veggie patch.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Growing a bottle tree

The progress of a bottle tree.
Here it has just come up with a few blooms on it.

As time has gone on there are new shoots and new blooms.

Thanks to everyone for their help with the bottles. I am still collecting wine bottles because I have alot of plans for them.

Side note: This is the fence put up with wood post. As you can see the post have been painted and topped with solar powered led lights. You can also see that the mexican petunas have really taken off. The day was overcast when I took the picture so the flowers were not open.

Bling in the fish tank

I had one of these fancy old thermometer's in a glass tube. where the temperature floats on a little glass bulb. Well I knocked it off the back of my desk and it broke. The little floating things did not break.

So what to do with it? Out came the beads and here we are with tank bling. The fish really seem to like it. they play with the beads. The current moves them around and they seem to enjoy them.

What all will I do for spinach

I had some pieces of fiberglass panels that I removed from the greenhouse when I added the sliding glass doors. They have been standing behind the G/H for at least 7 years.

So... I cut the panels into 12inch high pieces.

Then I started to dig. LOL I love to dig.

At the bottom I stomped down the dirt and then added Newspaper. Lots of Newspaper.

Filled the hole with a mixture of potting mix, compost and native soil. Soaked my Malabar Spinach and planted it. Pictures of my babies will be along soon.

Tree bling

Plastic beads and old clip earring's along with some beads with letters on them make a colorful, whimsical add to the landscape along with little messages and inspirational thoughts.

I love the little reminders, "Love all", "Count your blessings"," Love often" "laugh and dance"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Garden shop garbage

These were ALL on their way to the dumpster! Yes I paid no more than 1.50 for each of All Perinials will live to bloom again.

This one was Free! I took a branch that was broken off. The bush now goes around a maple tree and is just loaded with flowers. This is a non grafted native Florida gardenia. The blooms are small but packed with smell..
Orchids were a dollar. Oh ya! check Lowes last chance 50% off tables they are marked way below 50%.

There is nothing I enjoy more than to see the plants wilting at the local Walmart, Lowes or Home Depot garden shops. It means that in a day or so they will fall into the 50% off bin. Often at Walmart they go onto a pallet headed for the dumpster. Walmart is a great place to get roses. When they are looking bad they dispose of them. Just ask the garden shop manager what he plans to do with them. Sometimes they will give them up for a small fee for the whole pallet and sometimes they will say just take them. You will have nothing if you don't ask. Here are some of my free or small $ investments.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wine Country?

This is a boarder that sings.
Yes when it rains the droplets that hit the glass make a whisper pinging sound and give a singing voice to the rain.
I think it is a unique look and I enjoy the fact that it is different. I will return and remove the labels at a later date but wanted to get this on the blog today.