Monday, September 19, 2011

Lets build a bird house.

What is in a bird house? Lets make one. Lets see.... Now I have some metal pieces, door knobs, drawer pulls, springs, handles, glass things, nuts and bolts.

Small amount of paint to white wash with and a little shingle materials that can be cut into any kind of shapes.

Hardware of all kinds hinges, metal rings, electrical odds and ends of all types. Make a one of a kind look.

Oh my this can go on and on. Oh what fun it is to build a house.

A bell and a coat hanger wire and you have a place for a bird to land and to ring the door bell at the same time.

Here Birdie Birdie

Bird houses have sure come a long way since I was a kid. It use to be just the little square house style.
Now this is in a bird style. Bits and pieces of metal and odds and ends of all kinds.

Have fun your imagination is the only limit there is.

Put on a happy face

Here is a simple way to make a friend to put in the yard or peeking out from under a bush. Just take a dremel carve a face on the bowling ball. Next apply a car wax. Let the car wax fill the engraving and then polish the Bowling Ball like you would a car. A fun way to put on a happy face.

In the Begining there was Bowling balls

This is how it starts. People have an interest in bowling that trough time gets lost or for whatever reason the body can no longer do the sport. The balls get tossed into the garage or car trunk for a time and then to the thrift store, yard sale or curb. That is where I come in, well along with a friend or two who keep their eyes open for me.

First thing that happens is they get scrubbed, sanded and a primer coat of paint, if they are going to be painted up into a bug or something.

If you are going to apply glass marbles or tile DO NOT PRIME. SANDING is a must! I use a foam block for sanding. It is easy on the hands and conforms to the shape of the BB. Because of the oils used on the bowling lanes and the waxes applied to the balls sanding has to be done or the paint will peel off and so will the glues used for tiles or glass.

In the painting after the primer I use a spray paint that is used for outdoors. In whatever color I like.

Then the fun part the rest of the painting I do by hand. and create the world in the way I want it to be. LOL A little more detail and a couple of clear coats to seal them and they are out the door to friends and family or off the the flea market to be adopted. I just love doing these.


This is one of my favorite things to do. Here are some pictures of the finished works of art.Use them for Ideas to do your very own world. I love the Idea that lady bugs of this size are not limited to just red and black.

This one with the mosaic tile is a ton of fun. It is my own personal globe. You can do a realistic style globe or create a world of your own. Again SAND the ball first and plug the holes with caulk. I leave the thumb hole open sometimes to insert a pole it I want the ball off of the ground.

You can get the little flat glass marbles at the dollar tree and not have to spend alot of money. I use E-6000 glue found at your local craft store and I believe super Walmart is now stocking it. Lightly sand the ball first to get the wax and oil off of them. The glue will bring back the shine and I use the color of the ball to shine through.

My busy little bee will be put on a garden stake with leaves. This one is all mine and has found a home in my veggie patch.