Friday, April 30, 2010

Scrap wood what to do with it????????

It is so much fun to use up scrap wood that has been sitting around. Build bird houses even if the birds don't use them, he lizards lay eggs in them and the little ones are so cute.

What to do with some clay pots and a copper pipe.

Anchor the copper pipe in the ground. Slide the clay pots over the pipe first on one side and then the other. I put some syrofoam in the bottom of the pots to keep the weight down. I love the way they look like they are spilling out.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pic upload not working????

So here goes, no pic today.
OIL????? Why, why do we continue with this. Now with the oil reaching the beaches as soon as tomorrow why are we not going with Hydro,wind and solar energy???? Please do some research of your own on solar power. It can save us all money and save the lives of our animal friends that live in and on the sea.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The junk is even in the kitchen.

The junk is not only in the yard. a piece of aluminum roofing, a fence slat, some raffia and silks make up the Catina roof over our table carry out the Mexican theme of the kitchen.

More than that the counter top with the blue tile was our old wooden dining room table. I cut the legs off flush with the side. hooked it to a small counter that was there with liquid nails. I added a small edge and tiled the top. use and re-use then find a new use and start it all over again.

Free plants, watch for them.

Yes these were free, I found off shoots in the grass at my work from the trees in the parking lot. I brought these home 2 years ago, they were two inches tall. now they are around 3 1/2 to 4 ft tall at full height they will be around 8'. I have 2 pink and one white. I will watch for more to put into pots and sell a year down the road. Like growing a money tree. Crape Myrtles are showy and grow almost everywhere. They hold up in the heat, drought and cold.
I also take cutting from places and ask friends for cuttings and off shoots or back bulbs. Some orchid places will sell back bulbs for .25 to 1$ these bulbs have already bloomed but in time will produce more bulbs that will bloom. Patience it the key ingredient.

Friday, April 23, 2010

What makes the roses grow

This picture doesn't really do them justice. There are 45 roses in bloom all at the same time today. They are going crazy. These bushes were nothing a few years ago. our Fl soil is not the best for them. the answer is Coffee grounds I put my own out there and I also get "grounds for the garden" from Boarders or any of the coffee houses around will give you the spent grounds. put them around and just add some water or wait for the rain. Can't tell me coffee is not good for you! it is GRRRRRREAT!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Go Fish

This little pond holds 250 gal. and is home to 6 or 7 very large goldfish. It is a simple wooden box lined with a water bed mattress. Cut the mattress open and dispose of the inside fiber stuff. the rest of it is very thick plastic and holds up great. This pond has stood up for about 7 years. the bottom has rocks in it. the top waterfall has wine bottles in he bottom for filler and then pea stones. the top is supported with an old pvc table that someone put to the curb, and it provides the fish a nice place to hide when the birds come. By pumping the water to the top of the rocks and letting it flow through the rocks and back to the pond make a natural filter and the plants grab the nutrients that the fish provide. The best part is that the mosquito's go to the pond and the fish eat them when they land on the water. One year some frogs laid eggs and we had tadpoles. Oh yea, the fish were .10 each. called feeder fish.
The sound of the water running through the rocks is very relaxing on those hectic days.

destination sign juat for fun and direction

What is your destination? Made with a lamp shade, pvc pipe and some pieces of wood. It is a fun greeting in the morning when the dog goes out. These are not everyones destinations but they are some of my favorites.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

No need to have a "Green thumb"

Here are some flowers no one can kill and you may not have to look any farther than your kitchen cabinets. These plastic dishes and cups have a hole drilled in the middle and a drawer knob in the middle, attached to a copper pipe with an end flattened and hole drilled into it. OK so they are not scented but, you don't have to clean up after them and a good rain will keep them clean.

How to lay a brick driveway over night?

With the aid of a sponge mop and a can of red barn paint. I came home one night and picked up a sponge mop and began to paint a brick driveway and side walk I started around 10pm and finished around 1am. Imagine my neighbors surprise when they woke up to see my new drive.

Something to do with chicken wire

So many angels all around me, so many angels that's all I see, so many angels walking around, so many angels some lost some found. So many angels all around me, so many angels its you I see.

An old wash tub gets a new gig.

This old wash tub was missing a handle and had a few rust spots in the bottom. With a few proterweed cuttings and an imatient it makes a great home for these plastic rabits and a few local lizards. It's a great way to spruce up a dull corner.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Old 4x4's can keep on supporting.

This arbor was built with 4x4's that were the foundation for my neighbors shed. They were on the ground supporting his floor for 19 years or so. After removing the shed the 4x4's were leaning on my fence. I asked Lar what he was going to do with them. He had planned to cut them into pieces that the garbage pick up would take. So the Junkster in me asked if I could have them to make something with. It was saving him the work of cutting them up so he agreed and the gift of an arbor was free. As someone down the block had tossed the latticework in the trash a few weeks ago. The wood is so hard that I had to drill holes to put deck screws in it to hold it together. The point faces the south and in the summer I plan to put some orchids out.

Monday, April 19, 2010

what to do with those plastic pots?

My lazy garden pal is taking another break! This was fun and I spent a whole dollar at the dollar store for the straw hat. LOL So to help recycle those ugly black plastic pot, make a friend.

urban junk transformed

This little gal was looking for a home. used and abused with a little paint and a smile she has been re-birthed into nature.

in the beginning

The Farmers Heart,
In the course of Urban life there are those of us with a Farmers Heart. We have a love affair with nature. In Urban life, nature is sometimes junk and what to make of this unsightly junk mixing it with plants and flowers. Creating beauty where there is none. Painting a world of nature is my ambition in life to make things into something they are not.
Industral factory worker by night, Painter, planter, junkster by day and, now entering the early morning blogger seen. A modern day hippie of sorts, painting murals of life in lifeless places.