Monday, April 19, 2010

in the beginning

The Farmers Heart,
In the course of Urban life there are those of us with a Farmers Heart. We have a love affair with nature. In Urban life, nature is sometimes junk and what to make of this unsightly junk mixing it with plants and flowers. Creating beauty where there is none. Painting a world of nature is my ambition in life to make things into something they are not.
Industral factory worker by night, Painter, planter, junkster by day and, now entering the early morning blogger seen. A modern day hippie of sorts, painting murals of life in lifeless places.

1 comment:

  1. Farmers Heart... This is so exciting. I'm thrilled to SEE your art... in ANY and ALL forms... and there are MANY... to share with others here on your very 1st Blog. You are not only an Artist... you are a wonderful, creative Writer... and your followers, including myself... will be entertained, informed, educated and humerously delighted with all you have to share with the world.
    I enjoyed seeing the beginning of your Yard Art as I call it.And these two entries are indeed the beginning... there is soooo much more to be seen... and if you need any more entries.. let me know, I have many of your wonderfully creative projects pictures in my picture files as well. I took part of them... so I have a first site experience... every time I walk out into the back or front yard of our little yellow house with the white picket fence... it's a wonderland of creativity and ingenuity that just keeps on growing, blossoming and showing itself more beautifully each day. From the Don Juan Roses climbing and dancing around the entire front of the house to the 100 lb. stag horn fern swinging from the over sized wooden swing set frame you made from 4'x 4's that were dug up from underground, below the neighbors wooden shed, that's it's current home. It's magnificently overseeing the grounds from it's perch and has a winter home as well. It's hoisted up and hangs high from way way up in the umbrella of Live Oaks shading the entire yard and Druid's Playground... you call your 2nd Home. Your lovely herb garden is growing and weaving itself from pot to pot loved by the rain and touched by the songs you sing while working with them. It's an amazing place... with an amazing Care Taker... the Best Woman, with the Most Precious Farmers Heart... for the Job Spirit's called you to BE...

    There are NO Words to define the abundance of Pride I have for you... and how You have blossomed from an Artist hidded under the covers of black leather covered sketch books... to a Unique and Talented Mural Painter Gracing the huge Walls of the Harmony Church's Gillespie Hall. And now... springing forward into the happy world of your own Blog... to write and share more and more of your creativity and playful artistic expressions with the world... I'm in awe of your ventures and your adventures with each new project you emerse yourself in. Congratulations for Coming of Age... And Being ALL YOU CAN BE and having the time of your life doing it, Dear EM, the Artist of my Heart, Your Wife for Life.... Cydne'
