You will hear all sorts of advice about paint from the "experts" at the paint store or local mart. But how much do they really know?????
One "Expert" told me " you can't use Outside paint inside because it peels". WHY??? " it is designed to peel. WHY???
You can't mix different paints together. WHY??? Another "Expert" says it just won't work.
Well, the best paint I have on the property is a mixture. It is awesome. It sticks to everything and weathers great. I have painted the fiberglass green/house, then I painted the aluminum shed and the paint never peels, chips or fades.
What kind of great paint is this? It is a 5 gal bucket, with what ever paint was in the shed in it. Yes it is a mixture of white inside and outside paints along with some Kills and 2 gallons of red barn oil stain. Oh I know what you are thinking oil and latex will not mix. LOL Mixed in are some browns as well. I like the color and so does Allison she says it looks soft and it does. The smell is not so good so I wouldn't use it inside but I would paint anything outside and have. So, Have fun and break some rules.