Sunday, September 26, 2010

Paint, What did you say???

You will hear all sorts of advice about paint from the "experts" at the paint store or local mart. But how much do they really know?????
One "Expert" told me " you can't use Outside paint inside because it peels". WHY??? " it is designed to peel. WHY???
You can't mix different paints together. WHY??? Another "Expert" says it just won't work.
Well, the best paint I have on the property is a mixture. It is awesome. It sticks to everything and weathers great. I have painted the fiberglass green/house, then I painted the aluminum shed and the paint never peels, chips or fades.
What kind of great paint is this? It is a 5 gal bucket, with what ever paint was in the shed in it. Yes it is a mixture of white inside and outside paints along with some Kills and 2 gallons of red barn oil stain. Oh I know what you are thinking oil and latex will not mix. LOL Mixed in are some browns as well. I like the color and so does Allison she says it looks soft and it does. The smell is not so good so I wouldn't use it inside but I would paint anything outside and have. So, Have fun and break some rules.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Web

Like this magnificent web, we creat our lives. Some more simple than others. while others are fulled with caos. We often hear about writers block well, I beleive all creative beings go through blocks from time to time. For me it seems to happen when a big creative job is at hand. Like my kitchen mural, that is in some sort of limbo. So for me the answer comes from going into an organizational mode which has brought on major changes in my workshop area and I am very happy with the changes. You will be seeing them soon. I promise.

So while the cleaning and BIG painting jobs are underway. I am posting what some of the other creative beings in my yard have been doing. I hope you can see that this is not just a normal spider web. Not at all. This creative lady has made a double decker. It is truely amazing how the wind whips this web around without a strand breaking. Now that is creative.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

RC's Office wall

First the room was painted "toasted pecan" Flat. It is a warm color and I was surprised that it looked so good in this small office 14x13.

Next was to string out the size for the mat. The mat was painted "gram cracker crust" satin finish. This idea was not mine. Rev. Cydne` and Mr Ed came up with it and I put it on the wall for her.

The satin paint has a shine that reflects back at the camera and it makes it hard to take a pic of it straight on.

with her display in place, I latched together 4 pieces of bamboo to make the frame. Now this took some time and was not as easy as it looks. It is quite a job to tie it together and keep it flat at the same time.

It was a fun project and a labor of love.

Monday, September 6, 2010

dry flower arrangements

Dry flower arrangements are great. they last a long time and look great.

The dry flowers seem to go with almost any type of decore.